Use mapping parameters and variables to make mappings more flexible. Mapping parameters and variables represent values in mappings and mapplets. If you declare mapping parameters and variables in a mapping, you can reuse a mapping by altering the parameter and variable values of the mapping in the session. This can reduce the overhead of creating multiple mappings when only certain attributes of a mapping need to be changed.
Uses of Mapping Parameter:
Using String Parameters and Variables
Current Value
Variable Datatype and Aggregation Type
3. Click the Add button:
Use mapping parameters and variables to make mappings more flexible. Mapping parameters and variables represent values in mappings and mapplets. If you declare mapping parameters and variables in a mapping, you can reuse a mapping by altering the parameter and variable values of the mapping in the session. This can reduce the overhead of creating multiple mappings when only certain attributes of a mapping need to be changed.
To use a mapping parameter or variable in a mapping or mapplet, first we need to declare them in each mapping or mapplet. Then you can define a value for those mapping parameter or mapping variable before run the session.
- A mapping parameter represents a constant value that you can define before running a session. A mapping parameter retains the same value throughout the entire session.
- A mapping parameter cannot be change will session is using. It will retain the same values throughout the session.
- If mapping or mapplet is reusable then you change defines different values at parameter file.
- When you use a mapping parameter, you declare and use the parameter in a mapping or mapplet. Then define the value of the parameter in a parameter file. The Integration Service evaluates all references to the parameter to that value.
- Source qualifier
- Filter
- Expression
- User-Defined Join
- Router
- Update strategy
- Lookup override
Unlike a mapping parameter, a mapping variable represents a value that can change through the session.
The Integration Service saves the value of a mapping variable to the repository at the end of each successful session run and uses that value the next time you run the session.
Use a variable function in the mapping to change the value of the variable.
At the beginning of a session, the Integration Service evaluates references to a variable to determine the start value. At the end of a successful session, the Integration Service saves the final value of the variable to the repository. The next time you run the session, the Integration Service evaluates references to the variable to the saved value. To override the saved value, define the start value of the variable in a parameter file or assign a value in the pre-session variable assignment in the session properties.
Mapping parameters and variables can be used in below transformations:
- Filter
- Expression
- Router
- Update strategy
When we declare a mapping parameter or variable in a mapping or a mapplet, we can enter an initial value. The Integration Service uses the configured initial value for a mapping parameter when the parameter is not defined in the parameter file. Similarly, the Integration Service uses the configured initial value for a mapping variable when the variable value is not defined in the parameter file, and there is no saved variable value in the repository.
When the Integration Service needs an initial value, and we did not declare an initial value for the parameter or variable, the Integration Service uses a default value based on the datatype of the parameter or variable.
The following table lists the default values the Integration Service uses for different types of data:
Default Value
Empty string.
1/1/1753 A.D. or 1/1/1 when the Integration Service is configured for compatibility with 4.0.
Using String Parameters and Variables
For example, we might use a parameter named $$State in the filter for a Source Qualifier transformation to extract rows for a particular state:
STATE = ‘$$State’
During the session, the Integration Service replaces the parameter with a string. If $$State is defined as MD in the parameter file, the Integration Service replaces the parameter as follows:
You can perform a similar filter in the Filter transformation using the PowerCenter transformation language as follows:
STATE = $$State
If you enclose the parameter in single quotes in the Filter transformation, the Integration Service reads it as the string literal “$$State” instead of replacing the parameter with “MD.”
Variable Values
The Integration Service holds two different values for a mapping variable during a session run: - Start value of a mapping variable
- Current value of a mapping variable
At the end of a successful session, the Integration Service saves the final current value of a mapping variable to the repository.
Start Value:
The start value is the value of the variable at the start of the session. The start value could be a value defined in the parameter file for the variable, a value assigned in the pre-session variable assignment, a value saved in the repository from the previous run of the session, a user defined initial value for the variable, or the default value based on the variable datatype. The Integration Service looks for the start value in the following order:
- Value in parameter file
- Value in pre-session variable assignment
- Value saved in the repository
- Initial value
- Datatype default value
Current Value
Variable Datatype and Aggregation Type
The current value is the value of the variable as the session progresses. When a session starts, the current value of a variable is the same as the start value. As the session progresses, the Integration Service calculates the current value using a variable function that you set for the variable. Unlike the start value of a mapping variable, the current value can change as the Integration Service evaluates the current value of a variable as each row passes through the mapping. The final current value for a variable is saved to the repository at the end of a successful session. When a session fails to complete, the Integration Service does not update the value of the variable in the repository. The Integration Service states the value saved to the repository for each mapping variable in the session log.
When you declare a mapping variable in a mapping, you need to configure the datatype and aggregation type for the variable.
The datatype you choose for a mapping variable allows the Integration Service to pick an appropriate default value for the mapping variable. The default is used as the start value of a mapping variable when there is no value defined for a variable in the parameter file, in the repository, and there is no user defined initial value.
The Integration Service uses the aggregate type of a mapping variable to determine the final current value of the mapping variable. When you have a pipeline with multiple partitions, the Integration Service combines the variable value from each partition and saves the final current variable value into the repository.
You can create a variable with the following aggregation types:
- Count: Integer and small integer datatypes only.
- Max: All transformation datatypes except binary datatype.
- Min: All transformation datatypes except binary datatype.
You can configure a mapping variable for a Count aggregation type when it is an Integer or Small Integer. You can configure mapping variables of any datatype for Max or Min aggregation types.
To keep the variable value consistent throughout the session run, the Designer limits the variable functions you use with a variable based on aggregation type. For example, use the SetMaxVariable function for a variable with a Max aggregation type, but not with a variable with a Min aggregation type.
Variable Functions
Variable functions determine how the Integration Service calculates the current value of a mapping variable in a pipeline. Use variable functions in an expression to set the value of a mapping variable for the next session run. The transformation language provides the following variable functions to use in a mapping:
- SetMaxVariable. Sets the variable to the maximum value of a group of values. It ignores rows marked for update, delete, or reject. To use the SetMaxVariable with a mapping variable, the aggregation type of the mapping variable must be set to Max.
- SetMinVariable. Sets the variable to the minimum value of a group of values. It ignores rows marked for update, delete, or reject. To use the SetMinVariable with a mapping variable, the aggregation type of the mapping variable must be set to Min.
- SetCountVariable. Increments the variable value by one. In other words, it adds one to the variable value when a row is marked for insertion, and subtracts one when the row is marked for deletion. It ignores rows marked for update or reject. To use the SetCountVariable with a mapping variable, the aggregation type of the mapping variable must be set to Count.
- SetVariable. Sets the variable to the configured value. At the end of a session, it compares the final current value of the variable to the start value of the variable. Based on the aggregate type of the variable, it saves a final value to the repository. To use the SetVariable function with a mapping variable, the aggregation type of the mapping variable must be set to Max or Min. The SetVariable function ignores rows marked for delete or reject.
The Integration Service does not save the final current value of a mapping variable to the repository when any of the following conditions are true:
- The session fails to complete.
- The session is configured for a test load.
- The session is a debug session.
- The session runs in debug mode and is configured to discard session output.
If you want to fetch only those records which are modified/create newly after the previous run. Then you need to create a user-defined mapping variable $$LastRunDateTime (datetime datatype) that saves the Timestamp of the last row that Integration Service read in the previous session.
And in the source qualifier define the filter condition:.
Table.DateTime_column> $$LastRunDateTime
Note: In case if you define user mapping variable as string then you need to convert it into date datatype.
Table.DateTime_column > to_date($$LastRunDateTime, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’
1. In the Mapping Designer, click Mappings Or, in the Mapplet Designer.
2. Select ‘Parameters and Variables’
Parameter name.
The parameter name must be $$ followed by any alphanumeric or underscore characters.
Variable/parameter. Select Parameter.
Datatype of the parameter.
Precision or Scale
Precision and scale of the parameter.
Use for variables.
Determines how the Integration Service expands the parameter in an expression string. If true, the Integration Service expands the parameter before parsing the expression. If false, the Integration Service expands the parameter after parsing the expression. Default is false.
Initial Value
Initial value of the parameter.
If you do not set a value for the parameter in the parameter file, the Integration Service uses this value for the parameter during sessions.
If this value is undefined, then the Integration Service uses a default value based on the datatype of the mapping variable.
Description associated with the parameter.
Click on ‘OK’
4. Double click on Source Qualifier à Go to Properties tab.
From Source Filter click on Open Editorà Go to variables tab to added mapping variable to filter condition.
Select the Mapping Variable from Mapping variables folder and double click on it to add it to filter condition.
Click on ‘OK.
Click on Apply and Ok.
Note: Similar for Mapping Parameters.
Just you need to define values in Parameter file for those Mapping Parameters and Mapping Variables you declare at mapping/mapplet.
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